Why Joint NutraCare stands apart from other supplements on the market?


If you’re frustrated in having to piece together the puzzle of which supplements you should be taking to ease joint pain and try to preserve your joints for the long term, we have a solution.
Joint Nutra Care is a revolutionary supplement that helps your body feel better and younger all naturally. The combination of ingredients provides long lasting benefits that include:

  • Improve joint comfort by providing the building blocks for joint cartilage and ligaments
  • Naturally reduce inflammation
  • Reduce wrinkles and improve skin health
  • Naturally improve hormone levels
  • Improve bone density
  • Increase antioxidant levels to help reduce aging
  • And many more health benefits…
  • Heal all naturally

    Joint Nutra Care is a revolutionary supplement that helps your body feel better and younger all naturally.

  • Preserve Joint Integrity

    Improve joint comfort by providing the building blocks for joint cartilage and ligaments.

  • Restore Function

    Decreases inflammation and swelling from the INSIDE out.

Our "Why?"

Meet the Creator

“The JNC Supplement was started for many reasons. In trying to advise patients on the best supplements to take for joint pain, I came to the realization that even though there were good products available, none of them really stuck out as being exceptional and complete. I wanted to create a product that would give PT’s and MD’s a product they could advise their patients to take that had proven results, and was as complete a solution as possible to help improve joint health. I wanted to also give patients a joint care solution that would not only help their joints, but improve their overall health as well, and supply a significant amount of antioxidants to help reduce aging.
I have enjoyed studying about diet and supplements, probably due to the inspiration of my father (Richard Hubbard, PhD) who was involved in nutrition research for the last 20 years of his career in biochemistry. He has since passed on, but his inspiration helped create this product. In making JNC, I was able to apply some of that knowledge as well as do further research into nutrients needed for joint health, which is something I enjoy doing.
Many of the nutrients that help joints also help improve the health of other organs.
Eventually I would like to have a complete supplement package that would include a multi vitamin, fish oil, adult stem cell, and growth hormone product so patients could get all their supplement needs supplied from one source.”

~Jeff Hubbard, PT


  1.  Decreases inflammation and swelling from the INSIDE out.
    Natural anti-inflammatories, such as Grape Seed Extract, Boswellia Serrata, and Hops Flower Extract dramatically help bring relief.
  2. Regenerates your joints.
    Just some of the ingredients include:
  • Astaxanthin, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that is 6000 times more powerful than vitamin C.
  • Boron, copper, and zinc. These important co-factors for enzymes help build up the molecules of the joint.
  • Biocell Collagen, featuring an advanced form of glucosamine and chondroitin called Glycosaminoglycan, delivers the purest form available straight to your joints.

3. ALL NATURAL. No side-effects.